1. I am in love with your front door. The door knob, numbers and fox knocker are lovely touches. It all blends beautifully with the porch floor. Can’t wait to see it all come together when you paint the storm door.

    1. Thanks Donna. I’m not going to lie, I’m dreading painting the storm door 🙂

  2. I love the color terra cotta and our first home we painted the inside of our house terra cotta. The sun shining in make our house look pink!

    1. Yes, sometimes it looks pink for sure! It’s such a versatile warm color.

  3. I love all these terracotta colors. In fact, my front door is painted a more saturated terracotta color like your decorated pumpkin above. I’m looking forward to your blog post on how to make the utensil holder behind your stove!

    1. Thanks Jeanine, I better get on that and write the blog post soon 😉

  4. aussiebushgirl says:

    I am completely in love with your outdoor space. The front door colour is to die for! We’ve gone with a silvery-sage exterior on our old weatherboard house, and I’ve been going backwards and forwards on colours for the front door. Yes, terracotta has been on my radar for many years, but nailing the ‘right’ terracotta (like you have), is proving to be tricky! No Behr in Australia, unfortunately. Having seeing your finished door here, I’m sold. According to the laws of Feng Shui, a north-facing entry door (south for you Northern Hemispherers!) should be red, but what a clash that would be with our sage exterior! Seeing your door morph into a gorgeous piece of real estate, I’m convinced it’s exactly what this old house needs to finish it off. Thank you hugely for the inspiration, Julia. Heather x

    1. Oh I’m glad my inspiration helped. I’m sure you will love it with the color of your siding. I figured it’s always easy to change back should I not love it. And I had no idea about the Feng Shuilaws. I always wanted to learn more about it.

  5. Thanks for compiling these terracotta colors! I’m quite partial to the Valspar set but I usually go for Sherwin-Williams. Maybe this is a sign that I should try Valspar.

  6. Emily Chichester says:

    I’d love to know what the green color is in the bathroom.

    1. It’s called Gaucho by Valspar in eggshell. Merry Christmas!

  7. Hello
    Which color on the wall did you use for the very first photo that you have the napkins and yarn on? Love that one

    1. Hi Jamie, it is the color of my front door called Auburn Glaze S180-5 by Behr.

  8. Hello, can you tell me where this rug is from please?

    1. Hi Andrea, it was an Etsy find.

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