1. So impressive! I hope you don’t plan to move anytime soon 🙂

    1. Lol I’d love to move but that’s an entire different story.

      1. Andrea Doty says:

        I’ve got a 1970’s sleeper how can I take it apart? Both hubby and I are unable to lift do.to injuries. And it’s a heavy thing and akward

        1. Oh gosh, that’s a tough one. Being able to carry it is definitely crucial and I have never taken a sleeper apart. There are definitely many more components in that structure.

    1. Thanks Krystine! It was scary

    1. Love those titles! I’m sure Jarrid likes the balls of steel title

  2. WOOOWWW, you just blew my mind with your creativity, skills, and bravery!

    1. Thanks Sandra! I couldn’t have done it without the husband this time 😉

  3. Wow great job! Maybe you could start a business and give the couch doctor some competition 😉

    1. That’s what my husband said but I think I couldn’t handle the stress 😉 It’s ok to fail on my own piece but not someone else’s

  4. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    Brave is for sure what you both are! Fabulous job and I am so very thankful I did not have the need to do it. Only thing I had to do was take a door off to fit an old Hyde A Bed in my office. The room looks so beautiful.

  5. You are my officially my diy hero. I am so impressed!

    1. Haha thanks Phyl! I’ll gladly take the title of DIY hero 😉 Sounds fun!

  6. ashley@biggerthanthethreeofus says:

    Holy crap girl, you got guts and skills! I would have been terrified to try that. So glad it turned out great. Question for you, what height is your man cave? We are contemplating trying to make our basement look halfway descent but I’m nervous that it can’t because of the height. TIA!

  7. Oh my word, that was really brave of you. It looks totally amazing.

    1. Thanks Marty! It was scary. But being desperate made me brave!

  8. Gretchen@BoxyColonial says:

    That’s quite a story! I’m super impressed! Did you see the episode of Friends where Ross bought a sofa and couldn’t fit it up the stairs into his apartment? He really could have used this tutorial 😉

    1. Haha yes I know that episode and my friends have mentioned it often to me! Miss friends

  9. Diane@InMyOwnStyle says:

    All I can say is….WOW! That first cut must have been so hard, but it paid off big time!

    1. Oh my gosh Diane it truly was the scariest thing I have ever done!!! I’m so glad it worked out in the end

  10. Julia - Vintage with Laces says:

    You were really brave and it certainly paid off. Very well done, Julia!!!

    1. Thanks Julia, I’m so glad this post had a happy ending.

  11. I once had a sofa not fit thru a basement stairway opening-sofa too tall and a wall blocking the entrance. My contractor cut the doorframe header and made it replaceable with screws. When you see the sofa squeeze thru the opening, it’s like giving birth!!

  12. You guys are CRAZY!! Crazy smart! Way to take the initiative and get this done yourself, Julia!

  13. Julie Thrasher says:

    Thank you for posting this… I am in London, UK and we have a similar problem. We have had to move into a flat with a very (unnecessary) narrow longish corridor which is the reason why we can’t get our, or indeed, pretty much ANY sofa in the flat. Removing door(s) won’t help.
    I’d decided the only thing we could do (other than sit on the floor!), was to cut the sofa down/up etc and somehow reconstruct it.
    Seeing your post made me realise that I wasn’t crazy and it can be done! So we are going to give it a try and HOORAY! (I add hopefully!) we’ll have something to sit on!

    So, thank you from the other side of the Atlantic – I’ll let you know how it goes!

    1. Hi Julie! Ye you can do this. I feel like key is to plan it out a bit ahead of time. Look at the bottom of the sofa if it is similar to mine and if you can peel the fabric up the way we did. If it all works out I’d love an update. Good luck!

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