1. it’s stunning, julia! i love the graphite with the gold! so lovely, my friend! and the flowers are the perfect touch- some of my favorites!

  2. Well if you can have your MCM piece right now, this is the next best thing! It looks so great and yes, your styling is da bomb!

  3. I’d think you were crazy for wanting to replace it but Mad Men is making me dig MCM more and more. The update looks fantastic!

  4. This is a classic beautiful piece. The graphite paint did the trick. I am actually going to Tn. tomorrow to purchase the exact same paint color of Anne Sloan paint. I have painted an old hutch (a yard sale find) in the color taupe/gray. I decided to paint the top and accents in graphite. This will be perfect! I love, love your piece and hope that one day you will realize you love it too!! Thank you Rebecca

  5. The new color looks great! I love AS paints! My old office used to be down the street from a lady who sold them and I would go probably once a week! That painting is gorgeous! I love the whole look, it’s so pretty 🙂

  6. I love the refresh! The matte finish is perfect and so easy on the eyes. How in the world did you strip your brass hardware? I gave up on mine day #2. 🙂

  7. I love the way this turned out! And low how the graphite paint seems to have a little variation in it – such a gorgeous color! The gold hardware is PERFECT with the gray!

  8. It’s gorgeous! I love the matte black with the brass hardware.

  9. Wow, big improvement. Wish I lived near you, cuz I would buy it in a heartbeat! (And I could practice my mediocre German.) Enjoy the new look.

  10. If only our budgets could keep up with our quickly changing tastes! I like the new look though, it’s classy.

  11. Love the darker colour. It gives the piece more visual weight. I’m loving matte finishes lately too. I’ve been thinking of going with a honed quartz for our kitchen to try and get a more matte look.

  12. Those simple lamps are perfect with the ornate dresser. And nothing says, “I’m committed to matte paint” like telling your husband that his bike should be matte black. Tee hee. Love it.

  13. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! The color is gorgeous and looks SO chic mixed with the gold! I am so excited to share this with this week’s favorite finds tomorrow morning!!! Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  14. This is beautiful Julia! I’ve never worked with Annie Sloan paint yet but I’m dying to try!

  15. It turned out gorgeous. Looks great with your golds! Have a great weekend!

  16. love that color! and the brass looks great against it! and it makes me happy whenever I spot your brass whale 🙂

  17. Wow!
    Julia, love it!
    Looks great. Das Grau und die goldenen Griffe. So dürfte das gute Stück sofort bei mir einziehen!
    Darf ich fragen wo du den Wal her hast?
    Sieht auch super aus. In allem eine tolle Kombi auch mit dem Bild;)
    Love & hugs

  18. Julia, you never cease to inspire me! I was just searching around looking for ideas for my latest furniture project and I was already leaning towards a chalky dark paint…you seriously just convinced me!! Love the way this turned out! Fabulous as always! xo ~V

  19. This is just so so beautiful. You really nailed it with this color and I love the hardware. It’s perfect. I think I am also partial to the whale. It’s adorable. I love this new nook 🙂

  20. I love that you let the matte grey stand alone. And used just the hardware be the jewelry. Each one stands out. The lamps give your piece perfect balance. I dont know what you want but this piece is a real tribute to your talents.
    Barbara Ann
    http://Www.etsy.com / shop / barbaraannscreations

  21. I love the new color with the gold hardware and lamps. Your styling is perfection.

  22. Love it, great job! What grit sandpaper did u use after the two coats were painted? I am currently painting a similar piece and I am scared to lighly sand after I paint, but feel it needs it!

    1. Thanks Jennifer, I used the finest sandpaper to sand in-between coats. And I wipe it really good before applying another coat.

  23. jill simpson says:

    Can you tell me where you got the brass pulls? I’m having a hard time finding the right ones.

    1. They actually came with the dresser, sorry!

  24. Kara Bride says:

    Hi there,
    I wanted to use this same paint, and I looked at it on the Annie Sloan website, but it looks black. Did you add anything to it to get it to this slate color?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Kara, no I didn’t do anything to it. This is the way it looked when I painted it and waxed it. It’s a truly beautiful color.

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