1. I know lets see how she’ll do.

    1. Thanks she’s in love.

  1. Patty Day says:

    It’s a fabulous welcoming, cozy rug! Love it!

    1. Thanks Patty, it has the most amazing texture too.

  2. ooh, so fluffy! That will be so cozy whenever it finally gets cold! 🙂

  3. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Wow, the rug and the entire room is just gorgeous!

    How long before your little angel is larger than you? She looks so grown up in that picture. But then she does not have far to go, since you are so petite.

    1. Haha that is so true. She doesn’t have much to catch up to.

    1. Thanks and I can’t wait to see the first pics of your little one.

  4. You aren’t alone Julia! I too am holding onto summer but I know that I need to get back to a nice routine and deal with the things I’ve been putting off. I bet your daughter is so happy to have a nice place to lay and do her homework! That rug looks so amazing and I’m sure she’ll do great with it! Have a fantastic weekend!

    1. Thanks Corey! It’s so hard to get back into a routine.

  5. I love her room so much! I think she will do fine with a white rug…now the cats on the other hand! My dogs would destroy a light rug. Nick probably would too.

    1. The cats are actually the cleanest creatures in our house. My husband keeps walking on it with his dirty feet. He’s always barefoot outside and is killing my rugs. Yuck

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