What I’ve been up to lately…
At the beginning of this year, I had claimed that I would write more personal updates again and now 5 months later I haven’t written any. So here I go because I feel like I have enough to share again.
If you follow my Instagram and all the stories then you know a lot of this already…
I’ve been really worried about my dad who was in the hospital and I decided to fly to Germany last minute. The only affordable flight I could find was a one-top flight over Iceland with Icelandair. The night before my flight, my husband and I went for an after-dinner walk. My husband stepped in front of me to get around a basketball hoop on the sidewalk and I stepped on his heel and fell flat on my stomach. My arm felt sore, I iced it and went to bed ready for my trip the next day. During the night my arm hurt so badly that I couldn’t sleep and turning was nearly impossible. In the morning I couldn’t undress myself because the pain was so bad. So I decided to go to Express Care to see what was going on with my arm. The x-rays didn’t show a break but I was sent to an Orthopedic surgeon right away because the area of the swelling is usually a sign of a different type of injury. It looks like I have a tear and fluid buildup in my elbow. I was told I needed therapy to make sure my arm wouldn’t end up being stiff and I shouldn’t fly. I didn’t know how on earth I would carry suitcases or sit comfortably on a 10.5-hour trip or how I’d be able to help my parents who are in their 80s.
So with a heavy heart and a doctor’s note in hand, I canceled my flight just hours before leaving. It was seriously such a crazy emotional day. Fast forward a couple of days and my dad is back home and feeling better and so am I. However, I feel so bad that I wasn’t able to get on that plane because after days of icing and trying to keep my arm mobile, I feel much better.
You are probably wondering why I am showing you a photo of a snake under my living room chair. Well, Walter decided to bring me another snake the day of my injury to make me feel better. As you can imagine, I was beside myself LOL and thankfully my husband was home to lift the chair and get the snake back outside safely.
I had been wondering why the universe didn’t want me to get on that plane. I do believe things happen for a reason and a couple of days later I got my answer…
Before I decided to go to Germany, our dear Maya had gotten skinny and I took her to our vet to get checked out. We discovered that she is hyperthyroid and needed meds. I had gone through this before with our old Lilly cat and it was very manageable and she lived 8 more years with her meds.
When I found out I couldn’t fly, she didn’t get better though, and stopped eating and was throwing up. She had lost 3 lbs altogether which is a big amount for a small cat. So my vet (who’s also my husband’s cousin) told me to take her to the hospital to get an ultrasound. The results were devastating, she also has pancreatitis and suspected small-cell lymphoma. She had to be hospitalized to get her stronger and eat again. We decided to try a chemo drug which could help her live for a couple more years if she responds well. So now she is on 3 different drugs.
I believe had I went to Germany, she’d be dead by now because my husband and kids don’t pay attention to our cats the way I do. He wouldn’t have noticed her not eating and he probably would have thought he could just wait until I returned to take her to the doctors.
I’m so very glad that I have health insurance for our cats. It really helps a lot now to be able to afford her care.
In case you missed it, I TNRed (Trap, Neuter, Return) four cats earlier this year. Three of them were definitely feral but when I caught the fourth, a gray male (estimated to be around 5 years old), I noticed that he was a bit different. At first, I thought it was the drugs when he was in the trap after returning from being neutered because he was relaxed and eating treats out of my hand. The others were all hostile. While recovering he just chilled, cleaned himself, and enjoyed my food.
Another difference from the others was when I released him, he leisurely left the trap, wandered over to the stock tank pool, drank some water, and then just sat there and watched me. The others all darted out of the trap and ran as fast away from me as they could.
Fast forward several months and this guy now named Frank is permanently living in our garden to Willy’s despair. He absolutely hates him. My husband has bonded with him and he follows him and me around the yard like a dog. Not sure what we will do once winter comes around again. He clearly was a pet at some point.
I bought him a little tent bed that is open on all sides because he doesn’t like the enclosed heated house I bought during the winter for whoever needed shelter. He needs to feel like he can escape easily. It is perfectly nestled under our bamboo bush next to the patio which is his preferred place to hang out and he loves it. Great protection from the rain too.
Willy is so upset that I can’t take him outside on his leash right now. It’s mostly his fault because he is the aggressive one. If he chills out then he can come back outside too. Right now he can only use his cat enclosure. And he is like an obsessed police officer on patrol all day. Wish me luck.
Other personal things
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So after lots of cat talk. Here are some other things…
My son’s girlfriend graduated from college. I can’t believe how grown up everyone is as we are also planning college visits with our daughter. So far we’ve visited Pitt and she loved it as she also wants to be in a big city like our son.
My husband and I got all cleaned up to attend our neighbor’s graduation party to celebrate his doctorate. I’m hiding my bad arm behind my husband. The dress I’m wearing is about 25 years old, can you believe it? It’s a wrap dress and since it’s like a robe, perfect for someone who is having difficulty dressing herself. I am getting better with that now too though as my arm is feeling much better.
I did get new hardwired landscape lighting for our front yard and we love it. So many of our neighbors asked us about them already so I thought I’d share them here too because they are pretty affordable. While I love solar lights and lanterns, I prefer hardwired landscape lighting. (Here is a little video of them in my LTK shop)
Blog Posts
Due to all the stuff going on lately, I haven’t DIYed much or written many blog posts. Here are new blog posts in case you missed them.
Once my arm is better and I have the cat situation under control, I’ll hopefully get back to making more things. I still have to write about my new old dining room chairs yet too. It’s on my to-do list.
Also, I’m a bit discouraged by all the changes happening online again. It’s depressing to see the shift that AI is causing and the fact that Google is ending third-party cookies on Chrome. To normal folks, this might not appear like a big deal but to us who have built a livelyhood with websites and blogging, it is all a huge deal and can ruin our businesses that we have worked so hard for. It’s just another emotional roller coaster.
Happy Memorial Day weekend,
Hi Julia
Thank you for the updates. I love hard wired outdoor lighting and have tried solar but it just doesn’t do the trick for me.
Love the hostas under the maple tree. I miss all those flowers, trees and plants that grow up north.
Kids are growing fast! You look beautiful as ever and hope you heal quickly.
Thanks so much Debby, my arm is getting better every day. I sometimes can’t believe that my kids are adults 🙂
Hi Julia – So sorry to hear about your arm. I hope it will be back to normal soon. Happy to hear your Dad is home. Life as a blogger sure has changed since we started. It is disheartening to see Google using our hard work for their snippets and no compensation, plus all the other AI changes. Readers and most people have no clue what is going on. For me, I am going back to the old school blogging way – more personal and chatty like your post today. No more trying to please Google for me, just my readers and maybe Pinterest. :-).
Take care and enjoy the holiday weekend.
I wish people would know what these changes mean for us. I tell all my friends and family to scroll past the first sections on Google and scroll down a bit until they see smaller blogs again to click on if they want to support us. And Google always claims they have user experience as first priority which is such a lie. So upsetting! I agree with you trying to please Google shouldn’t be a priority anymore. And some laws should be put in place to protect us. I also get frustrated when I see all these AI-generated images on Pinterest now too. It is all so fake looking 🙁 Have a wonderful weekend too.
Thanks for the updates! PS: I’m glad the Universe kept you home for your cat; we’ve had many similar situations in our household. (Whenever plans change for “the worse” I ask myself why, and the reason often becomes quite obvious soon after.) Best of luck to your dad and your feline friends!
It is crazy how things happen for a reason and then in the end there are many reasons to be thankful for how it happened. Maya is eating and doing a bit better and had her first dose of chemo meds. So fingers crossed!
Glad your arm is better-have a good holiday weekend!
Thanks and you too Jen!
Glad to hear your arm is mending. Appreciate hearing about your cat’s hyperthyroidism since our 17 year old cat, Lionel, was just diagnosed with that. He had gotten very skinny and one day we found him laying in the hall in a puddle of his urine and really out of it. We rushed him to the vet, thinking this is how it ends for him. But she said it was probably a mini stroke caused by hyperthyroidism and elevated BP. We started a thyroid and BP med and he is really doing well…….we don’t know for how long because of his age, but we take it one day at a time! The transdermal thyroid med applied to the ear makes treating a cat so much easier. Thank you for sharing your experience with this issue that and the positive outcomes that resulted. These furry buddies hold such a special place in our heart.
Oh Helen, I’m so glad he is doing better. Since my Lilly cat, I know to take them right away once I notice the weight loss because of the thyroid issues. I never imagined that Maya had two more severe issues. It’s crazy! She had her first dose of chemo meds yesterday and I’m more optimistic again because she is eating. I hope your Lionel lives many more years because I know it’s definitely possible. Have a great weekend.
Man, what a time!!! So glad that everyone is on the mend, including Frank. I LOLed at Walter’s disgusted face. Ha! And you look phenomenal, my friend. Beautiful as always!!!!
Thanks so much Cassie. Walter makes me laugh all the time with his expressions 😉 Have a great weekend.
You and your husband are so cute, as are your sweet cats! Praying for you and your babies!
Thanks so much Jeanine, the kitties can use all the prayers right now.