1. my fave is 2 or 3- that pillow combo is my favorite! 🙂 but i love it in all renditions and i love that easy changes totally change the look.

    1. Thank you Cassie, I love playing with my pillows.

  2. I just LOVE your living room. Great idea to use ferns – totally going to do that!

  3. Krisitn Cadwallader says:

    Oh, it looks so good! This is actually my favorite look you’ve done in there. I love a neutral space and your greenery really does shine. I think this is a good post to show people that neutral doesn’t have to be boring 🙂 xo

    1. And it cost nothing 😉 Thank you

  4. Patty Day says:

    This is fabulous!! I love the way the black and gold pop! It’s clean, classic and elegant.

  5. oh how i love them all! 😉

    1. Thank you! I usually always love color but it started feeling so busy to me and that’s why I really like no color in it for a little while.

  6. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I can not pick a favorite. I love them all…… each and every one. I know that you like the change to this new one & I do too, but can’t pick a favorite, I just can not. I loved your coi pillows when you did the new patio……. sigh, I just love all of your styles. Love those table lamps, well again……everything. I really love your gold striped bathroom, but by the time I get it copied (IF), you will have changed it five times… I am so slow.

    1. You are always the sweetest! Thanks Sheryll

  7. ooh, I love the little collage where you can see all the different versions! And if I didn’t say it on instagram, I’ll say it here: love those koi pillows!

  8. Kathryn Orr says:

    Hi Julia,
    Have two questions about your living room. Did you paint the white round end table…and if so what kind of paint & what color? I love your rug…..would you share with me where you purchased it?
    Thank you…….love your blog so much!!

    1. Oh thank you Kathryn! The rug is from RugsUSA and is the Sierra Paddle rug. Yes I did paint the end tables, they were originally from Bombay company and where a cream shabby chic color. I used white semi-gloss Rustoleum paint that you can find at any home improvement store premixed on the shelves. You can use water-based or oil-based.

  9. I’ve been feeling neutrals lately too. Loving the black and white throw down happening in your living room right now! I liked the emerald green look you did before too. I cannot get over green.

    1. Thanks Amber, I love emerald too.

    1. It just felt so busy with so much color and I’m sure it had something to do with the kids being home and all their stuff everywhere. This way it’s a little more coming to me 😉

  10. For a colour lover like myself this is difficult to say but OH I LOVE IT!! It looks so chic! Definitely a gorgeous summer look and the touches of greenery and leopard print really do it for me 😉 Gorgeous but then your living room is ALWAYS gorgeous so I’m not sure why I’m surprised 😉 And yep, I love changing my rooms around too! It’s a bit of a addiction! xxx

    1. Haha thanks and yes, it is an addiction but a good one to have I think.

  11. I love the idea of neutrals for summer! So fresh! Looks great as always Julia!!

  12. Ashley@Biggerthanthethreeofus says:

    I love the fresh new look! It’s nice being able to change things up a bit as the seasons change. This neutral look may be my favorite, but I think I say that every time you do a change. love them all

  13. I love your use of color, but you are right…something about all those neutrals with the pop of the green from the leaves is so beautiful and perfect for summer. I need to switch things up in my living room more often. It is such an easy way to make a space feel fresh and new! Thanks for the inspiration Julia!

    1. Thanks so much for the visit 🙂

  14. I love the black and white and neutrals, Julia! I absolutely love when you share pics of how your living room changes through the seasons!

    1. Thanks so so much Gilly

  15. Julia, I am in love with your neutral living room! Seriously, it is so beautiful! You and Kristin have me itching for neutrals in my next house when I’ve planned so much color!

    1. Thanks so much my friend. I don’t know what it is right now, maybe my new floor or looking at all the beautiful neutrals at the beach scenery but I just can’t stop gravitating towards neutrals.

  16. I just love your neutral summertime living room. It looks fabulous! The fern clippings are a perfect addition and they pop against the neutral background. I must do this in the future.

    1. Thanks so much Darnetha. They actually really last long in the vase too which is a total plus

  17. I live in Ireland says:

    Lovely space! I like the idea of neutral base so you can easily change decorations!

    1. Thank you! I love changing out accessories so it’s the way to go for me 😉

  18. Beautiful room Julia! Love the colors and all the details. Fabulous!!!
    Have a great day!

  19. Lois Black says:

    How do you keep your white sofa clean? Are the cushion covers washable?

    1. Hi Lois, I occasionally use leather wipes. That’s all 🙂

  20. Amelia Johnson says:

    Hey, soooo sorry if you’ve answered this already but what brand exactly is your coffee table? I’m in love with this look!

    1. Hi Amelia, the table is a vintage piece I found at the thriftshop for $25. I have no idea what the brand is. Sorry

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