I have worked on our custom selective pet door solution over the weekend. I don’t know if you read my previous post about finding the perfect cat door for our Monkey aka former porch kitty.
I’ve been searching everywhere for an electronic cat door that would let only her exit and enter when she wanted to and would keep our other cats safely inside and the other stray critters outside.
Custom Electronic Pet Door Contraption
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Why do I choose to only let one cat go outside you might ask? If you are new around here then let me explain quickly. Monkey (who sounds like a monkey when she meows) was a stray cat that had been living in our neighborhood for about 4 years. She decided last summer after being scared of us for all those years, that I’m her new best friend. After this horrible harsh past winter (check out the DIY heated cat house I made for her), I ended up taking her into our spare bathroom during the polar vortex, we grew even closer and she ended up getting along with our 3 other girls really well too.
I want to give her the best life and make her happy. Locking her inside after being free for years would not make her happy even though where we live isn’t really the safest place for a cat. That’s the reason that we keep our other cats inside or in their DIY cat enclosure.
I wrote to numerous companies requesting information after I had the fiasco with the first door that I bought and their customer service was really poor to none.
In the end, the SureFlap Microchip Cat Door won in all categories. While Monkey isn’t microchipped yet, the door also works with collar tags. I was upset for the first two weeks of us having the door because Monkey couldn’t figure out how to use it. She banged her head on it several times and appeared to have given up. But when we went away over Memorial Day, her strong desire to figure out how to get outside won over and she figured it out after all.
She was so happy, that she brought me a dead baby bunny as a present at 3 a.m. which upset me so much and caused a fight with the hubby because I made him clean it up in the middle of the night. Poor bunny!
Anyway, let me show you what I made her this past weekend:
All I did was take out the regular middle cat flap door buy unscrewing it.
And replacing it with the SureFlap Microchip Cat Door. There are little gaps that I filled with wood trim before screwing everything in place which also prevents the metal of the window sash from interfering with the reading of the collar tags and chips.
Then I built her a little ramp on the outside which is attached to the window sash. This way nothing had to be done permanently to the window. I can insert my custom contraption into any window of our home, or if we would ever move, I could take it along since it wasn’t cheap.
The window is screwed shut from the inside, so no one could push the window up.
You can still see the mulch bags lying in my yard too 😉
Yup, you can say it out loud…I KNOW THAT I’M NUTS and I don’t care 😉
We have one happy cat, who lounges on the patio with me now whenever she feels like it, and that made it all worth it for me.
And in case you are wondering, this is NOT a sponsored post (but does include some affiliate links), I just felt like sharing this with you because it made my life a lot easier to not have to play doorman for a cat that feels like coming and going 20-30 times a day and I hope it will help someone else out there.
More cat updates
You can read an update on our poor Monkey who recently passed away from sudden kidney failure at a young age which leaves us heartbroken. We think she was poisoned.
The universe has sent us a male cat years later now who reminds me so much of Monkey and we named him Frank. Even though I never wanted an indoor/outdoor cat again! But just look at his adorable chunky cheeks.
But I do worry that she might get hit by a car or run into an evil human. I hate that feeling and it is so new for me since I’m so used to having my other girls safe with me at all times.
Two more updates. The little kitten has found a home with a neighbor and is turning out to be very sweet.
And this sweet little fella who was dumped in our neighborhood by someone and even has a microchip (but the owners never returned the calls or claimed him) has also found a home with a neighbor down the street. Love happy endings.
So now, if only people would stop dumping their poor unwanted animals then I would have the perfect ending.
What have you been up to this past weekend?
so glad the last two kitties found good homes, and love your pet door solution and the little landing is perfect!!! and YES what a glorious weekend.
I am so happy that Monkey has the kind of life she deserves now! And you know that poor dead bunny was Monkey’s way of giving you a huge thank you. Ick! 😉
Such a brilliant concept! So glad Monkey stuck with it and figured it out. How’s this for gross?…I have a dead bunny in my freezer thanks to my son and his bow. Double yuck?! Now who’s the one that’s NUTS? ha!
I just found your blog and I love all your cat posts! I just wanted to ask does this door only work for Monkey because she has microchip and not for your other cats? I’m sorry to ask just a little confused on the concept on how it works. Would love to look into this in my new home for my babies if possible.
Hi! I’m glad you like it. Monkey isn’t microchipped yet. I bought her a tag that you can purchase with the door and works great as well. I’m not ready to splurge on getting all my cats chipped yet but I know I should do it soon. There is also a feature where you can program your existing indoor-only cats to be able to get back inside should they get out by accident because they followed Monkey. Cool feature.
Not sure if that would happen though because Monkey can’t stand someone being close to her behind 😉
This is one of the coolest doors I have heard about! Thank you for explaining it more for me. Thank you so much for sharing and also having a huge heart for all these kitties.
I is totally a cool door. Now I only need to make her a black and white striped awning, door mat and mini boxwoods for her entrance LOL. Thanks for reading 🙂
I’m so glad you found a solution! It looks great. Those precious animals are so lucky to have crossed paths with you. Why people neglect animals is beyond me, but I take comfort knowing people like you are out there genuinely caring for them. 🙂
What an amazing setup! Our cat (we only have one and she goes crazy inside) scratched out the screen in our kitchen window, and we just left it so she can jump in and out as she pleases. Except it doesn’t work to have the window open in the winter. I think yours is a better solution!
Thanks for the tip on the cat door! we have Reba the Cat indoors all the time now but if she were an outdoor cat that would be super helpful! I love all your photos…and so happy that you found a home for the little one! ox
I just found your blog via your cat enclosure post. One thing led to another and I’ve read quite a few more of your kitty adventures. I love the blog and admire how you are making a difference in the lives of your cats. I’ve been trying to figure out a plan to build an enclosure for my rescued cats (strays from the neighborhood) who are now all indoor cats. There are a few of them that would really enjoy getting out to enjoy the garden and the sun. Rather than re-inventing the wheel I will use your concept and hopefully in the next few weeks they’ll be safely enjoying the great outdoors once again. Thank you for the great idea and your contibution to making the world a better place.
Hi Janice! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I so appreciate it and I’m so glad to find likeminded people online. Good luck building your enclosure and if you feel like sharing the results, then send me an email. I’d love to see what you come up with.
I just stumbled on your blog (the kitties caught my eye). In my opinion and personal experience, turning former outdoor cats into indoor cats is not traumatizing as one may think! I have 4 unrelated cats that I brought in from the outdoors. They love their home and have acclimated beautifully. I never worry about them, although I did feel guilty with the first one. I would leave the basement window open for her to come and go. I worried soooo much about her when she was outside. Eventually, she stayed in more than going out so I made the brave decision to permanently close the window. Saw no behavioral changes in her. Since then, I have brought in 3 more. Now, a couple years later, I have made a cat enclosure for all of them, which of course, they all love!
That’s so great that you were able to bring in so many. Love your dedication and heart.
I worry about my Monkey so much too when she goes out. My neighbor’s cat was just hit by a car. My cat pees and poops next to the litter box though and when I lock her door she poops next to it too.
But I truly hate that she runs around outside. Last year one of the strays down the road, who I had also been feeding but was way to scared, was killed by a fox. So sad!
so glad the last two kitties found good homes, and love your pet door solution and the little landing is perfect!!! and YES what a glorious weekend.
I am so happy that Monkey has the kind of life she deserves now! And you know that poor dead bunny was Monkey’s way of giving you a huge thank you. Ick! 😉
Angela @ Number Fifty-Three
Such a brilliant concept! So glad Monkey stuck with it and figured it out. How’s this for gross?…I have a dead bunny in my freezer thanks to my son and his bow. Double yuck?! Now who’s the one that’s NUTS? ha!
I glad you got it all figured out! I would have had a fight with my hubby about the bunny too! Gross.
What a perfect solution for sweet Monkey! I know I’ve said it before, but you have the biggest heart when it comes to animals!
You’re the best ever. Seriously. I wish everyone was more like you!
I just found your blog and I love all your cat posts! I just wanted to ask does this door only work for Monkey because she has microchip and not for your other cats? I’m sorry to ask just a little confused on the concept on how it works. Would love to look into this in my new home for my babies if possible.
Hi! I’m glad you like it.
Monkey isn’t microchipped yet. I bought her a tag that you can purchase with the door and works great as well. I’m not ready to splurge on getting all my cats chipped yet but I know I should do it soon.
There is also a feature where you can program your existing indoor-only cats to be able to get back inside should they get out by accident because they followed Monkey. Cool feature.
Not sure if that would happen though because Monkey can’t stand someone being close to her behind 😉
This is one of the coolest doors I have heard about! Thank you for explaining it more for me.
Thank you so much for sharing and also having a huge heart for all these kitties.
I look forward to more of your posts!! < 3
I is totally a cool door. Now I only need to make her a black and white striped awning, door mat and mini boxwoods for her entrance LOL. Thanks for reading 🙂
You are so clever! What a great solution for happy little Monkey. How could anyone not smile when looking at that face???
I’m so glad you found a solution! It looks great. Those precious animals are so lucky to have crossed paths with you. Why people neglect animals is beyond me, but I take comfort knowing people like you are out there genuinely caring for them. 🙂
Wow, that is an amazing door…I didn’t know they had such a thing. I love the little platform you made for the kitty…too cute.
This is a pretty cool door. I wish my Lilly would be brave enough to go outside. She is scared to death.
Perfect. Such a good Monkey Mommy!
yay! so glad you finally found something that works! And hooray for happy endings for kitties!
What an amazing setup! Our cat (we only have one and she goes crazy inside) scratched out the screen in our kitchen window, and we just left it so she can jump in and out as she pleases. Except it doesn’t work to have the window open in the winter. I think yours is a better solution!
Haha, yes I think this one would work better 😉 it also keeps the other critters out.
That is such a smart solution Julia. And it looks great too. Camouflaged with the white chain and the wooden landing. You are too good!
So happy to hear of the happy ending for the two cats.
Glad it all worked out with the cat door. It was touch and go there for a while 🙂
awe i love this!! crazy cat ladies like you are ok in my book!!
You are so clever!! I love this solution and it looks so cute too! The landing is the chicest entrance ever!
You are such a good cat mama 🙂 The dead baby bunny though – so sad!!!
I am going to be re reading this like at least 20 times, so it will soon be on my next WANT this list. I love you Julia!!!
Thank you ever so much for all your help.
Julia your such a sweet person. As you know Im not a cat person, but if I were a cat, id totally want you as my human:)
Thanks for the tip on the cat door! we have Reba the Cat indoors all the time now but if she were an outdoor cat that would be super helpful! I love all your photos…and so happy that you found a home for the little one! ox
I just found your blog via your cat enclosure post. One thing led to another and I’ve read quite a few more of your kitty adventures. I love the blog and admire how you are making a difference in the lives of your cats. I’ve been trying to figure out a plan to build an enclosure for my rescued cats (strays from the neighborhood) who are now all indoor cats. There are a few of them that would really enjoy getting out to enjoy the garden and the sun. Rather than re-inventing the wheel I will use your concept and hopefully in the next few weeks they’ll be safely enjoying the great outdoors once again. Thank you for the great idea and your contibution to making the world a better place.
Hi Janice! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I so appreciate it and I’m so glad to find likeminded people online.
Good luck building your enclosure and if you feel like sharing the results, then send me an email. I’d love to see what you come up with.
You’ve taken crazy cat lady to a whole new level. Too funny. And genius. You’re such a good cat mom!
Your such an amazing cat mamma, all your kitties are lucky to have you!
Your cat has a drawbridge!! Incredible! You are such an amazing cat mama!
You are the sweetest human ever! They are so lucky to have someone like you caring for them.
You are the best. Love that you found something perfect for your pretty cat.
i’m so glad monkey is happy with you. i think she was very patient and in the end she found the best mommy ever :). bless your kind, gentle heart.
hi it’s me again. just wondering what is Monkey’s going out schedule? and does she get very far when she’s out?
Aren’t the other kitties jealous that only Monkey get’s to go out?
I actually don’t think so. They haven’t tried once to use that door and they get to go outside in their enclosure.
I love the insulated cat door. That looks really safe and home friendly. My cats would love to have easy access to go in and out.
I just stumbled on your blog (the kitties caught my eye). In my opinion and personal experience, turning former outdoor cats into indoor cats is not traumatizing as one may think! I have 4 unrelated cats that I brought in from the outdoors. They love their home and have acclimated beautifully. I never worry about them, although I did feel guilty with the first one. I would leave the basement window open for her to come and go. I worried soooo much about her when she was outside. Eventually, she stayed in more than going out so I made the brave decision to permanently close the window. Saw no behavioral changes in her. Since then, I have brought in 3 more. Now, a couple years later, I have made a cat enclosure for all of them, which of course, they all love!
That’s so great that you were able to bring in so many. Love your dedication and heart.
I worry about my Monkey so much too when she goes out. My neighbor’s cat was just hit by a car. My cat pees and poops next to the litter box though and when I lock her door she poops next to it too.
But I truly hate that she runs around outside. Last year one of the strays down the road, who I had also been feeding but was way to scared, was killed by a fox. So sad!