So I Married A Creative…
Today I’m participating in a different kind of blog hop and it involves my husband. For those of you who have followed me for quite sometime, you might remember me poking fun of him HERE which is a must read if you want to meet my husband 😉 and I’m so glad that he is over his mustache-midlife crisis.
Nowadays we call him Phil around here because he reminds me so much of Phil Dunphy from Modern Family (gosh I love that show) and I’m not the only one. My son thinks the same and there are quite some other people who agree. And I do have to admit to having Claire Dunphy moments.
Today it’s his turn to answer some questions about me and you can also head on over to all of these amazing blogs on the following list to see what other husband’s answered.
Here he goes:
Soooooo, I married a creative German!
This is a tough question. The cat enclosure she built for our furry family members has to be my favorite. It is also our feline’s favorite as it gives them outside living space. Coming in a close 2nd is the bar she built in my man cave. Yup I’m a guy who’s wife builds things and I bake and cook but I guess it works really well that way and believe me I wouldn’t even attempt to build something like that. I couldn’t tell you where to start and I don’t want to either.
Well there isn’t a project that I dislike but since there are so, so many changes in my house often, I’d say having to continually adjust to all of my wife’s projects is my least favorite part of it all. I don’t deal well with change.
It may sound simple, but my wife ALWAYS has a tape measure with her. When we arrived outside of Philly the other day to pick up that brass table she found on Craigslist and she didn’t have it, I couldn’t believe it.
Besides Julia leaving her hair bands lying on the bathroom sink with hair still attached or chugging my beer on occasion, I’d have to say her ability to have paint brushes in the sink where we wash our dishes in every day would top the list.
The Maldives were always her dream!
I’d say she’d go to Ikea and buy more pillow covers which are stacked everywhere already.
9. Name a project or decorating adventure that you thought would be a flop but was fabulous? Walking into my home after a long 12 hour shift one day and seeing our kitchen half wall cut down and dust everywhere with electrical cables sticking out left me a little frustrated and irritated.
This is what I came home to.
But in no time, this idea turned our kitchen into an entire new living area. So no harm done after all.
10. Blogging takes a lot of time. Do you ever pass by your wife while she is on the computer and secretly feel neglected?
Yes, because she is indeed on the computer all of the time.
11. Before, during, and after photos are an important part of blogging, do you ever remember to do that while working on projects for your wife?
The projects I work on for my wife are typically cooking projects where I do try to take photos of all of the steps involved. But, more often than not, my photos are not good enough.
12. How often do you read your wife’s blog and do you have a favorite post?
Since English is my wife’s 2nd language, I am her official proofreader, so yes I read almost every blog post. Even though they aren’t DIY or project related, my wife’s posts about our daughter and her health issues (HERE, HERE and HERE) are my favorites. Seeing how much they touch many other people’s lives.
13. Before changing a piece of furniture, hanging new curtains, or planning a whole room redo, does your wife consult you or do you come home and it’s done?
More often than not, I come home and it’s done. And when I don’t notice something, I get called out on it.
14. Does Julia discuss her blog with you, stories from other blogs or friendships with other bloggers?
Sure, like I said, I proofread each blog post she writes. And she has really created great and lasting friendships with other bloggers and their names are becoming familiar to me, as are their pets.
15. Where do you think she gets most of her creative inspiration; tv, magazines, online, you, or was she just born that way?
I’d have to say she was born that way. And having the opportunity to attend an art school in Germany and working in an environment in Würzburg which allowed her to show her creativity really turned her on to her creative side. She never even considered doing anything else and our daughter appears to be the same way.
16. Do you know what Pantone’s color of the year is and how do you feel about so called “girly” colors for your walls?
Who is Pantone? I have no clue. I don’t mind any color choice to be honest. None of our walls are overly colorful, most have a pastel tone and I’m not adverse to any “girly” color. We have many different colored walls, so a light pink or light purple here or there would be fine.
17. If you could change one room or area of your home with no decorating advice from your wife, what area would you choose and why?
Man cave because that’s the area where I enjoy spending a lot of my time and I sure would love a new sofa 😉
18. Are you ever worried that she will share too much personal information or that blogging might invade your private life?
No, while Julia shares some personal info, she is careful not to give out too much personal info. So far, so good.
19. Have you ever helped her style photos for her blog or offer input on how you think a vignette should look?
Heck no, IÂ don’t get involved in that area of her work.
20. There is a saying “If walls could talk…”, what would yours say about the decorating in your bedroom?
If my bedroom walls could talk, they would tell everyone that my wife likes going to bed early and have all the cats piled up on top of her while watching Netflix on her iPhone.
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Hey he’s known to wear a pink shirt here and there so I’m glad he doesn’t mind girly colors.
And he is usually a good sport about the DIY part. He had 17 years of marriage to get used to it. But I do have to say that if I would sit on the computer ALL the time, no projects would actually get finished so that’s totally not the truth ha!
Hope you enjoyed the hubby’s answers.
Haha, I can definitely hear my husband say the same thing, who is Pantone? That was a fun one. Great way to get to know our fellow bloggers. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Yeah I had a feeling he was going to say that 😉
I love reading this and chuckled a lot. I have to question my husband now because I’m dying to hear what he thinks!
I think everyone should have a tab like this on their blog 😉
Oh my gosh, these are just so funny! Love this idea and I love the fact that he came home and you tore down half the wall. I’m going to make sure to tell my husband that one for sure!
The best part was though that he pretended he didn’t see anything, which is usually a sign of him being super pissy. He’s not the one who took this photo 😉
Your hubby sounds like a trooper! So funny that he knows all your blog friends and their pets! Haha. I also love how no husband knows anything about pantone but yet it’s a huge deal to bloggers!
He can be a trooper on occasion but is also known to be a big baby.
how fun! i usually have to call my hubby out on things that he doesn’t notice as well. although thats not such a bad thing now is it?
Nope it’s not bad at all.
I think he needs a new sofa 🙂 – he cooks, enough said! My hairs too short for hair bands, but the paint brushes in the sink and all the rest sound like me!
Oh he totally does need a new sofa. I’m all for it. He just doesn’t want to spend the money and is waiting for me to find one on Craigslist.
Hi Julia – What a fun series – delightful! I love reading from your husbands perspective about DIY and design. He sounds very much like mine. XO Hope you are staying warm this morning. Brrrrr!
Brrrr we were skiing again in this weather. COLD! I’m pretty sure most husbands sound like that. The only one that doesn’t is Sarah Dorsey’s husband and mine hates when I compare us to them. It drives him nuts 😉
i don’t know what to reply to first! so fun to read and he sounds super sweet and supportive! and i am with you on the paint cans, work bench, and paint brushes in the kitchen sink…. hey i use low voc paint so it can’t be THAT bad! and i love that you guys are claire and phil. chris and i are leslie and ben from parks and rec. 🙂 we are both living sitcoms.
We truly are living sitcoms!
Julia you two are so cute! Haha I love that pic of you with circular saw in hand, covered in dust! Love modern family too, so those clips were much appreciated hahaha what a great blog hop!
My son and I laugh at Modern Family all the time and that’s how the entire thing started 😉 And when Phil came home that night and I ruined the kitchen wall he ignored it completely. He acted like it was still there. He was so annoyed 🙂
Lets see here….. I think I will address my comment to *Phil*….. men who cook are sexy!
I’ll tell Phil you said that 😉
Everything looks amazing! (Ps-my husband and I love Germany! He goes over to Koln regularly. I get to go if it’s summertime.)
Oh I’m so jealous that you get to go. But I usually get to go every year too. I hope they won’t ruin that for me with the horrible flight prices.
I love that someone else’s hubby said yes to the computer question… I was feeling so guilty. Even though he knows it’s “work”. High-fives for proofreaders! And doesn’t everyone clean their paint brushes in the kitchen sink?
Haha, I’m pretty sure people aren’t telling the truth if they say they don’t clean their paint brush in the sink.
I’m really enjoying these series, seeing blogs from the guys perspective! I had to chuckle with the paint brushes lying around. The beau is pretty involved with our projects and if I were interviewed about him, I’d have to comment about stubbing my toes over tool carriers. They’re everywhere, and almost as bad as stepping on legos.
I’m surprised the beau isn’t more annoyed at finding hair bands around the house. Usually they’re hair free (guess I can count my lucky genes for that one ha!)
Oh, I love this Julia! You guys are so perfect for each other! And #20 is my idea of heaven! Bryan loves our cats too, but they always pile up on top of me 🙂
I’ll never understand people who don’t want their pets in bed. It’s the best thing in the world. And I love the peering and kneading
This is so cute!! I love his take on things, and his man cave!!! And that you are the builder and he’s the cook, it’s the same in our house!!
He just informed me today that his wrist hurts and he can’t chop anything. I hope that won’t last 😉
Aww, what a sweetie! I’m really loving reading about everyone and their hubbys. The idea of going to bed early with kitties piled atop me and Netflix on my phone sounds AMAZING!
Haha, yes it’s a little slice of heaven.
Yay for another person on #teammeasuringtape!! I love it:) Loved this post Julia. Also Id kill to go to the Maldives
My brother and his wife went to the Maldives and it wasn’t all that horribly expensive from Germany. I was so super jealous 😉
Totally a universal money suck. I love hoarding them.
Okay, I’m still chuckling over his plea for a new couch in that amazing man cave!!! Too funny!
🙂 Linda
Hilarious!! I love this peek behind the blog!!
Ha ha- Taylor hates paint brushes in the sink too! And I call Taylor Phil all the time 🙂
Ooooh you have a Phil too…high five! Does your hubby dance like Phil too? Mine does 😉
Well you sound super sexy with cats all piled on top of you at night 😉 Are we the same person?! I am loving reading these! I keep laughing out loud and then half forget all the things I laughed at by the time I get to the comments. So much fun to read. I think our husbands would get along 🙂
I know, I’m so sexy LOL! Crazy cat lady! The minute he comes to bed though one of them sits on him though. She loves him. And I think our husbands would get along too
I’m enjoying this series of posts from the husbands point of view. I work full-time, am a single mom and blog so I don’t have to be concerned with a husband but it seems that you have a real keeper here. I love the support you receive for your job and also that he reads your blog regularly. Great post! xx
Thanks Dana, he does support me but it took a while to get there.
Ha! I absolutely loved this! My husband just stays out of the way whenever I come up with yet another decorating idea and that is probably why our marriage has endured. I also think it’s awesome for kids to grow up seeing their mother as a very capable, power tool wielding person, because women are often treated like we don’t know which end of the hammer to hammer with. I still get the occasional weird look at the home improvement store when I ask a question no woman should apparently ask. My son has always come to me when he needs something fixed.
One other thing I found funny was how your hubby is the proof reader! It’s the other way at our house! I am the non-native speaker at our house, but I am the one who proof reads my native speaker husbands’ papers:)
That’s funny that you proof read your husband’s papers. I’m not that smart LOL 😉
Oh, of course you are! I used to have my kitties in bed with me. That was heaven! I miss them dearly, but now I have a big black lab in bed with me! He actually takes up less room than the much smaller cats did, go figure…
Oh I would love a dog in bed with me too. Cats and dogs it’s both good, right?
I don’t have a blog and I have never seen that sitcom… don’t care about sitcoms that much either. But wow, you have a great husband (I think)….. and am so very hoping he will post another great recipe (now wondering if or what I may have missed).
I too, just love your kitty kat walk…. I am still dying to get one…. but I can’t get the privacy fence in order to even start one. I am showing my boy friend this post and have him look at what you did…….. and he did not believe you did the walk yourself…… so I am going to make sure he reads this. And my comment!!!
Oh yeah, if I had any space……. thinking now……. I would want that man cave also. And I am a girly girl to some extent, but that is so wonderful. Maybe I will get rid of some stuff in this tiny office room……….
Oh my god, this is amazing!! I’m so going to have to have Wayne answer these – I reckon a lot of his answers would be very similar (especially the parts about not having ANYTHING to do with things like vignettes and me spending too much time on my laptop) – lol!! Bless him! You guys sound like a perfect match 🙂
Between cats and laptop he probably feels very neglected 😉