1. can you please post your faux rock source! I am looking too!

    1. Hi Bridget, you just click on the rock photos and it takes you to the source. Good luck

    1. Ugh me too! Maybe the weather will finally get better.

  2. Mario Licciardi - Real Estate Professional- says:

    We are looking for a stock tank liner. Where did you get yours?

    1. The one I linked to is the one I bought on Amazon but it’s been sold out for a long time now.

  3. Jennifer Schmitt says:

    To keep from getting holes in the liner could you flex seal the outside of the liner before putting it in the pool? I have not used that product so I don’t know if it is compatible with the plastic of the liner. Just a thought.
    I would like to use this idea in a few years when my husband and I move out to the lake. The lake water is often yucky and I would rather be in clean sparkly water! Could you add some jets and turn this into a hot tub?

    1. Hi Jennifer, some people have turned a stock tank into a hot tub. I’ve seen some tutorials. However, you can not use the flex seal on the liner. It is made for metal.

  4. Kathryn A Garden says:

    can you please tell me what you did to winterize your pool? I too have a liner and live in the NE where we get snow. I was just curious as to what I need to do ? Treat it just like an above aground pool? What kind of chemicals do i need to add for the winter? Any advise is appreciated

    1. Hi Kathryn, I didn’t add any chemicals. We just emptied most of the water out and added a cover. That’s it!

  5. Gladys Gamboa says:

    can you tell me where you bought your stock tank liner? we have a 6ft stock tank & having a hard time finding that liner size. thank you.

    1. Ugh, I know Glady’s they have been hard to find. I linked to the exact one in my blog post that I purchased. Not sure if it is back in stock now but mine was also for an 8-foot tank.

  6. your landscaping is fabulous! i’m here b/c of the stock tank pool, but have admired the rest of your “resort” as well! thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh thanks so much! I’m glad you like it. We love our tiny back yard so much!

  7. cheasea oakes says:

    When you say you emptied most of the water to winterize it how much did you empty/leave I just drained my clean and put a pool pillow elevated and cover on it. This is the first year I have a liner so I read that you should leave water in pools because liner can shrink if left empty, but this was mostly for larger pools. Any indie would be appreciated.

    1. Hi there, we had to take out a lot of the water to make the pillow fit under the cover. The pool pillows made for larger and deeper pools. And yes the liner did shrink a bit which ended up being ok since it was a bit wrinkly and large to begin with. Over the winter the stock tank fills up with more water again as it rains and snows. I hope that helps and good luck.

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