1. this space looks amazing~ i know it was frustrating and at times you wanted to rip your hair out, but just look at it! worth it!

  2. It looks great – and you certainly deserves a bottle of wine! This is a huge amount of work and takes on a lot of patience and commitment. I do not think I could do it. But I certainly appreciate it. Well done! It is looking amazing.
    Tschüss (ss is the rule in Switzerland)

    1. oh thank you Ale and I know it’s ss now I think in Germany too. I’m just so used to it 😉

  3. that looks amazing. i love the black and white, and the “real” that you showed when you showed the “ugly.”

    1. I couldn’t leave that ugly part out. I kind of had to explain why it took even longer 😉

  4. Esther Bianca Books says:

    That looks so awesome! I wish I had your patience for projects like these.

    1. I’m sur more people have the patience. You should try it. It is rewarding and thank you

  5. All I can say is “WOW”. The room looks amazing. I admire your talent, patience and commitment.

    1. Thanks Marnie 🙂 i really appreciate it

  6. This looks so good, Julia! Love the wall — it turned out great, as always!

  7. Wow!! What an incredible transformation! I love the huge impact! Sorry about the little mishap, glad you had wine in the house to debrief with! 😉

    1. Thanks Karrie and there is always wine in my house 😉 which is probably not a good thing

  8. Marty Oravetz says:

    Oh my word, talk about labor intensive, wow. It looks amazing.

    1. Thanks Marty. It was quite labor intensive but not as much as my curtains 😉

  9. Julia it came out so great!! I love it with the vanity and can’t wait to see your new mirror, but the black mirror looks so good with it too! I’m impressed at how you persevered through that glitch!!!

    1. Thanks Lisa, I needed a minute after that glitch, that’s for sure

  10. It is beautiful and you did an amazing job. I’ve done a fair amount of stenciling, but never with a Sharpie. More time consuming, but so worth it. The end result is fabulous. I do have one question for you. How did you handle the area behind that toilet? Did you remove the toilet before stenciling or were you somehow able to get your hand behind it?

    I’m getting ready to redecorate our powder room and deciding between vinyl decals and stenciling. The toilet always poses a problem.

    1. For this type of stencil, I feel like it wasn’t more time consuming because of the size of the squares. As for your question I should have probably mentioned what I did. The truth is that I went as far as I could with my hands behind the toilet and just didn’t worry about the rest. You an’t really tell because of the design of the stencil. I was worried about it though.

  11. You did a great job-as usual!!! Always need wine in the house????

    1. LOL thanks and I totally agree

  12. I love your bathroom and I admire your patience. Sometimes having projects like this helps our hearts to heal. You are amazing. Sometimes we just need to hear that. Looking forward to reading about your home projects and you sharing stories about your family.

  13. It looks UNBELIEVABLY great.

    But sister..you must gave patience of a saint!!

  14. Oh, Julia… I can’t imagine the amount of work that went in to this, but it was SO worth it! The walls are absolutely stunning and SO cool!!

  15. Louisa Denomme says:

    Hi Julia,
    Love this bathroom!!!!! I have often admired this pattern and have loved various photos of it online.
    See this charming boys bathroom. http://www.housemixblog.com/2014/07/10/stenciling-and-kids-bath-makeover/.
    I love the black and white even more (I currently have a black walled painted powder room) and would love to do something like this in my newly painted white laundry/mudroom area to add interest. Would you mind sharing your file you made to have the stencil done? I cannot find this stencil for purchase anywhere!

    1. Get the heck out! This is the first time I’m seeing this post and I thought I had a new idea. Guess not, what a bummer. I have been considering selling the file or stencil but I copied the original mosaic tile design and want to make sure I wouldn’t get in trouble. It can be really iffy, you know?
      I’ll let you know if I’ll ever sell it.

  16. what a great idea! I love that you made your own stencil too. I’ll have to try this!

  17. Hey there! I did this with my bathroom and still haven’t sealed it. I don’t have a paint sprayer but was wondering if a roller would work without smearing the sharpie? Any insight?

    1. Hi Hannah, that’s risky but you could try in a small section I guess. I find that the sprayer works better for sure

  18. I’m planning to do something similar in my daughter’s room but also want it to be wipeable. Do you think the polycrylic will yellow over time? That’s my biggest fear.

    1. Hi there, I’ve had my walls like this since 2017 and I haven’t had any yellowing. However that powder room dodesn’t have any windows and sun exposure. I don’t know how sun would effect it.

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