1. Happy Anniversary, Julia! Church wedding, or otherwise, you looked absolutely beautiful on the day, and I think your dress suited the occasion fittingly. Love the story behind your nuptials. Long live your love! mwah Hx

  2. Beautiful bride, handsome couple and I love the dress…it was perfect. The story…even better! Happy Anniversary to a very handsome family.

  3. A Fairy Tale Wedding! You are a Princess!
    The DRESS was meant to be..!

    Our wedding was so long ago we didn’t have “color” photo’s!! All our pictures are in black and white.

  4. Love these wedding pictures! That church is amazing! Congrats on 14 well 15 years of marriage!

  5. the story of your dress is funny, oh! I think I would’ve cried if I would’ve heard that from hubby just a week before the wedding but I’m happy that he didn’t recognized it, I’m sure he was just looking at how beautiful you looked that day Julia! You both look amazing in those beautiful pictures and Congratulations on your wedding church anniversary 🙂

  6. I love seeing these pictures! Everyone talks about “fairytale weddings” and yours looks like it was exactly that!

  7. Aww…congrats on your church anniversary 🙂 And I’m also going to add that neither of you look like it’s been 14 years since you’ve been married! (seriously!)

  8. Goodness lady, you married a hottie!! Happy Anniversary!

  9. Congratulations! You look beautiful! Smart idea to go with that dress, it’s really one of a kind. And my 15 year anniversary is in 2 weeks too – hard to believe it goes so fast!

  10. Honey, you looked in that dress really fabulous! I applaud your beautiful anniversary! All the best for the next 15 years!

  11. Great story about your wedding dress! And you look positively radiant, Julia!

    I must say, as an American living in the Texas suburbs, I truly love seeing all the charming photos of your hometown. (It looks just like a fairytale.)

  12. OMG you look gorgeus in that dress Julia. I picked a merengue style dress too when I got married in 1997. The working title was: Cinderella, go home. Haha… Hurray for the 90s and pouffy dresses.

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