Living Pretty With Your Pets: Suburban Bitches
I finally have another pet post for you today and I’m welcoming Tricia and her dog Henry to the blog.
Tricia is one of two awesome bloggers of Suburban Bitches who write together about their suburban home life and projects. Erin is the other half of the blog. I love their blog name and not only because I am a dog lover.
I first fell in love with Briards on the Boulevard Montparnasse in Paris. Across the street from me was the most majestic dog I’d ever seen calmly walking off-leash beside its model gorgeous owner -completely oblivious to all the street commotion going on around it. Right then I knew that was the dog I’d have one day. Maybe I thought having one would suddenly make my legs shoot up 6″ and turn me model gorgeous. Who knows – I just knew I had to have one even if I’d have no idea what kind of breed it even was!
Fast forward seven years to when accessing information at your fingertips no longer meant searching through the yellow pages or an encyclopedia. I finally discovered that dog of my dreams was a Briard and the only Briard breeder I could locate on the web lived just 30 minutes from us in Maine. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Three months later we brought home Hannah from that breeder.
We were pretty sure Hannah was the best dog that ever lived. We spoiled her rotten for the next ten and a half years before losing her to cancer.
Six months after losing her we flew Hannah’s eight week old great-niece Daisy across the country to our home in Oregon to become our Briard Number Two.
We were pretty sure almost from the start that Daisy was not the best dog that ever lived. She was kicked out of doggy daycare, fired from more than 20 different groomers, ate two groomers, couldn’t be around other large dogs and could in general be a complete menace. But she was our menace and she loved us & our kids fiercely. We lost her last spring at six and a half to lymphoma and we were all devastated. In spite of her craziness (never name a dog a name that rhymes with “crazy”) we loved our pup and we were all heartbroken to lose her.
We swore after she died we were going to live dog-free for a while as there were so many changes going on in our lives at the time. Yeah, that lasted less than three months. Thinking I’d just start investigating breeders I happened to find one yet again that was close to our now home in Colorado. The breeder had two older puppies left – a black female and a tawny male. We set out that August day to just “look” at the puppies and not commit to one. Really – as if that’s even possible?
Henry was 14 weeks when we brought him home. This time we KNOW we’ve got the best dog ever!
Henry is nine months old now and has been a perfect fit for us and our home.
He’s super mellow, loves everyone, loves every dog he’s ever met and even loves the UPS guy!
I’m used to dogs that want to chew everything in sight. Not Henry. He likes to mouth a napkin and has only destroyed one thing in the house – the babysitters new Ugg boots. That made for a costly day of babysitting but at least that was it for the chewing.
I’m used to dogs that go crazy when the doorbell rings. Henry could care less.
I’m used to dogs that see running shoes and fly around in circles anticipating a walk. Henry could care less.
I’m used to dogs that love the idea of a ride in the car. Henry could care less.
What he does love are the kids. He totally comes to life when they walk in the door and they completely adore him back.
He’s just been the best all around family pet. It’s hard to believe he’s still a puppy.
I was thinking I was a little crae-crae for taking on a new dog so quickly after losing Daisy and right when my husband was starting to work 1000 miles away. Instead it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Dogs just make a home a happier place and Henry has definitely brought sunshine and laughter to ours!
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They are all so cute aren’t they? I love that Tricia embraced her crazy Daisy and loved her no matter what. That photo with her kids and her tongue sticking out is priceless and adorable.
Lets get to some projects from their blog:
You have to go and check out how this kitchen looked before by clicking HERE. So good
Or check out Erin’s gorgeous kitchen by clicking HERE:
So now head on over to their blog by clicking HERE. I know they’d appreciate the visit.
Oh and i noticed that my round-up link to BHG didn’t work on Wednesday, oops! Click HERE if you want to check it out after all.
i am sitting here crying about the dogs that they’ve lost to cancer and i need to go to work! 😉 henry looks like the best dog ever.
Doesn’t he? I hope you have a great day work 😉
OMGOSh those are such cute dogs! and wow!!!!!! henry, adorableness!!!!!
I love his hairdo 😉
What a sweet story about the dogs. It’s so hard to loose one, but I’m happy to hear their family found the perfect dog now! He’s so cute! And that kitchen… amazing!
He does look like the perfect dog, I agree.
Thanks for sharing some of our projects, including my kitchen, in this post! Such a great series that you have about living with pets. Uplifting how animals can change our lives!
Erin- the other Suburban Bitch
Your kitchen is amazing! I love it! Have a great weekend.
I am so glad they got Henry. Wondering who does the daily brushing? I have five pups, three with long fur, one with medium and one little fur man with short (blessings). Then the 3 kitty Kat’s, one which runs when she thinks I am going to pick her up!
Thank you for sharing this post. As a dog lover it really touched my heart. I cant wait to go check out their blog. Have a good one!
I’m glad you liked it and I’m a dog lover too 😉
What gorgeous pups and a beautiful family!
I’ve been following her on Instagram for a while, I can’t believe I’ve never met Henri until now!