1. 🙂 Now if they just wouldn’t fall off the wall

    1. Thanks Jennifer, I love them.

  1. Pat Parker says:

    Great idea for your plates. Would you share where your table/chairs came from? Thanks

      1. Thanks! Unfortunately Pier 1 is out of stock on this table. I am moving into small apartment & looking for similar table.

  2. Love your plate wall Julia and I often show it off! It’s great that the artist does custom orders and that you have a beautifully unique way to show off your pets. I think I might order one with Miss Lilly on it.

    1. Oh that would be wonderful. Maybe you can share Lilly in my pet series yet too 😉

  3. Sheryll $ Critters. says:


    1. You need some for all your furry kids 😉

    1. They are definitely not every ones cup of tea 😉

    1. Ha, those are the ones I am using and they work great on the one wall but not that much on the other. I even use crazy glue with them.

  4. Awww I just love them, what a wonderful reminder of your gorgeous kitties! The whole collection is amazing. How odd they only fall off one wall though! Is that one wall perhaps more damp than the others and it’s loosening the backing disc?! Or perhaps there’s some weird draft? That would give me the heebie-jeebies too! Ha! xxx

    1. I couldn’t remember if I replied to this already or not. Because those are exactly the discs I use already to the plates 😉

    1. Thanks Kristy. She does really great work

  5. What sweet mementos to have of your beloved pets and so stylish! I would freak out if one of my walls randomly had things fall off in the middle of the night. I wonder what’s going on in your kitchen! xoxo

    1. I wonder what’s going on in the kitchen too 😉

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