How much is a stock tank pool stetup for your backyard?

The ultimate guide to the question of how much is a stock tank pool broken down in one article with detailed prices and different setup options.

The cost of a stock tank pool set-up can vary greatly depending on many factors. A basic setup can cost anywhere from $500 (for the smallest) to $5000 for an elaborate setup.

Overall setup cost

There are many different sizes, shapes and materials at different prices. The cheapest stock tank is about $200 and the most expensive is about $950.

Different stock tank pool sizes and prices

Lining your stock tank pool

You can line your metal pool with pool liner for $200 or buy a more expensive blue plastic stock tank that doesn't rust.

What pump do you want to use?

Choose between a filter pump which costs around $60 or a larger sand filter pump for above ground pools for about $160

Hiding your pool pump

We chose to hide the stock tank pool pump because I didn't want to look at it. I used a faux rock for that which cost me around $190.

Curved Arrow

Free-standing stock tank or added deck and landscaping

Obviously a free standing stock tank pool costs less than adding a deck or hardscaping. Find the best fit for your yard!

Stock tank pool accessories

You can go all out with many accessories that you can add to your stock tank pool or keep it very basic.

Check out the entire blog post for all the pricing details and options available so you can get a clear idea of what a stock tank pool set-up costs and what is right for your budget.