1. tracy lawler says:

    hi julia thankyou for sharing your designs is it ok i make some to sell for a charuty ? rescue cats n kitties they do lot good work and are in need of help i do crochet an stuff but love these please let me know thks again x

    1. How wonderful! Of course you can make them for a charity. I hope people will love them.

    1. Thank you so much 🙂

    2. Bu I could not find the video link…

      1. It is the image in my blog post under the phrase “You can read below or watch my short video:”. It has a triangle in the center and you can click it and play it. If that doesn’t work for you then you can find the video in my youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed9Tux3en00

  2. I’m impressed! What a cute idea, and not just for a purse. I can think of quite a few places where these would be adorable. And a great project to do with my older granddaughter. Thanks! Enjoy your time in Germany. We sailed down the Rhine in December I fell in love!

    1. Oh sailing down the Rhine river… that sounds so lovely. Have fun making them with your granddaughter.

    1. Thanks Diane! They are addicting to make 😉

    1. Thank you so much Ashley!

  3. I was quite surprised at how big these were when completed. They are so gorgeous!

  4. These are so cool! And I hear you about blogging while traveling….I find it very nearly impossible, though I always have good intentions….

  5. Linda Manuel says:

    Stunning. Am making some of these!

  6. Love these. Finally something new. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Avril from Dearlives says:

    Like the DIY project! It looks very cool.

  8. FUN! Adding this to my try it list.

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