1. I love your cat posts! We have 3 inside that were all strays at one time…but now,, they won’t attempt to even to outside. Now, we have a beautiful gray boy that’s come up an I have to feed him…but so wish I could find the lovely guy a home. I worry about the winter to come even tho, last winter we didn’t have much of a winter here in Alabama. Hoping for the same this year. Sorry, I love summer.

    I have always had cats and always will…We had a dog but cats can be left alone for few days w/no worries. I’m thinking about taking our old lady to the beach w/us in October. I hate the thought of leaving her here for 5 days. They will have someone to check on them tho. We took our 21 one year siamese to the beach w/us bc she was old one July. She passed in August and I wouldn’t trade taking her for nothing.

    1. Oh I hope you can find a home for the beautiful grey guy. It’s heartbreaking how many there are. We have a stray problem in out neighborhood right now and it will be a difficult task to neuter them all. We have to though.
      And I agree about cats. It’s easier to leave them for a little. I love dogs so much too but they are like babies and toddlers and cats are more like teenagers. They want to be with you but not too much and also enjoy their alone time. Am I right?

  2. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    I missed about you getting your cute little boy. He’s adorable!

    1. Oh my gosh you missed it all 😉 I bottle fed three little ones. And I documented it all on my blog. He was one of the babies. They are so special.

  3. As a Pennsylvania cat mommy to 8, I can tell you I really ENJOY your cat posts. Mixing cats and my decor is very important to me and I’m certain it is to you, also. Keep up the good work!

    1. I’m glad you enjoy the posts and I really appreciate your comment Kim. There are a lot of people who don’t like them at all and I’m always baffled by the hatred cats get from so many people. Thanks so much.

      1. I will never understand how people can hate cats. They really should get to know one. Of course, cats have that 6th sense that lets them distinguish between the cat lovers and cat haters, so they are discriminating! I have two indoor cats, one of whom is 18 and very tired (I will try the Rachel Ray food!), and two outdoor very friendly ferals. There were 10 at one time, all of which I had TNR’d, but one by one, they disappeared, until now just my two I’ve had for several years. The one would come inside without question, but the other is a very skittish cat with everyone but me. I let her in once and she went absolutely berserk. So they have a heated house, soft cushions, and for several times a day to get them through Michigan winters. It breaks my heart that there are so many out there without a home or any kind of care.

        1. I think there is a cat out there for everyone if they’d only give the right cat a chance. I’ve had several friends who didn’t like cats and then they gave one of my cats a chance and now they actually like cats. Good luck with your kitties

  4. Makes my heart happy to see the post on your fur children. Both of mine had to be put to sleep and I miss them everyday. Thank you for the posts and keep them coming

    1. I’m so sorry for the loss of both of your furry little ones. It’s so hard. I’ve lost three in a matter of half a year and it’s awful.
      I’m so glad to have the young ones to distract me. They are all so special and deserve the best.

  5. What do you recommend for for cats that shed. I comb them but I thought you may have a better solution. I have seen the gloves that are supposed to remove the hair just not sure if they work. I have always had dogs but I got 2 cats last year and I have followed a lot of your advise about cats and of course decorating. Any advise about helping remove hair from them and the furniture would be appreciated. ????????????

    1. Growing up my beloved family dogs have shed a lot too. I guess I’ve learned to invest in a good vacuum cleaner, lint roller and swiffer. It’s just something you don’t have much control over. Some cats and dogs shed more than others. What I have still found the best solution to removing any cat hair are rubber cleaning gloves and I rub them over upholstery, rugs and fabric and they get the hair right off. I love my kitties and that stuff doesn’t even appear like work to me anymore.

  6. What a purr-fect time for the cat food recommendation! Our 18 yr. old cat has not been a good eater lately. I haven’t tried this one. Thanks.

    1. I’ve tried everything with ours. Our vet (my husband’s cousin) told me to just give the old ones whatever they want even if it is lunch meat ham but this one works wonderful and they all love it and it also appears to be healthy.
      What I also do is sprinkle a cat probiotic on it when the really old one doesn’t want to eat and it helps her eat it even better.

      Good luck! It’s such a stressful time when they don’t want to eat.

  7. i love reading about your cats! and this one has a lot about good products, even better.

  8. Willy is absolutely adorable! I recently read one of your posts about losing one of your sweet kitties while you were away. I know how hard that is. I’m from Texas but have lived in Austria for the last 17 years. When I moved overseas, I brought my two young cats with me (fortunately, my Austrian boyfriend also loves cats). In 2013, my mother was dianosed with terminal cancer, and on one of my last trips to visit her in Texas, my boyfriend had to have one of our furry friends put to sleep, just 2 days before I returned (it was an emergency and the vet said waiting would only mean suffering for our Oscar). That was devastating for me, so I can understand your feelings very well. Our Lua lived to a ripe old age of 20, but just two days before my summer trip to Texas this July, we had to have her put to sleep, as well. She was my friend for so long that it was hard to say goodbye, but it was the right thing to do. I miss both of them every day. Sorry for my long message, but I just had to share my story with another cat lover.

    1. Hi Alison, I can’t imagine how painful it must have been to visit your mom for the last time and to lose your cat at the same time. I know going to visit my family is always such an emotional rollercoaster and I never know if I will see them again. This March I also had to put our 22 year old cat to sleep. It’s not been a good year for our old kitties at all. Having old pets isn’t easy either because they can’t tell you what they need and I always end up watching them like a hawk which leaves me so stressed out.
      Never apologize for a long message 😉 they mean the world to me and make me feel like I’m not talking to myself.

  9. Julia, our kitten LOVES the ripple rug! I bought it because I saw your recommendation on the very first post! I just added the crinkle tunnel to my amazon cart to try and get some structure back to the top layer! I haven’t tried the manufacturer’s recommendation yet to iron it, but I hope to give it a good wash outside before the snow flies! And I love your Friday posts!

    1. The crinkle tunnel works awesome with it. Hope it works for you too. Regardless I know the kitten will love it. I’m glad the ripple rug is a success too and that you like the Friday posts.

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